cesium beam comments

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Optically Pumped Cesium-Beam Frequency Standard for …

The objective of the project is to demonstrate the feasibility of a space qualified optically pumped cesium-beam frequency standard exhibiting a short-term stability of cry (r : 6 x f-ln with lifetime and reliability comparable to that of the current GPS-IIF cesium standards. In this paper, we report on the architecture and development progress ...


For an average Cs ion current I,-, into the first dynode of the electron. multiplier in the Cs beam tube, the noise density QI(f) of the current will be. given' by. where q = charge on an electron = 1.602 x lo-'' Coulomb. Then the signal-to- noise ratio for a 1-Hz noise bandwidth at the first-dynode input is.

Comment on "The Millman Effect in Cesium Beam Atomic …

Abstract. In a recent paper entitled "The Millman Effect in Cesium Beam Atomic Frequency Standards" ( Mungall A G 1976 Metrologia 12 151) a systematic frequency shift was observed and explained in terms of the Millman effect. The purpose of this note is to suggest that an alternative explanation be sought for the observed results.

(PDF) Design of optically pumped cesium beam tube with …

A practical optically pumped cesium beam tube without HMF system has been implemented and tested with high-stability laser by modulation transfer spectroscopy (MTS), and a signal-to-noise ratio ...

Comment on "The Millman Effect in Cesium Beam Atomic …

In a recent paper entitled "The Millman Effect in Cesium Beam Atomic Frequency Standards" (Mungall A G 1976 Metrologia 12 151) a systematic frequency shift was observed and explained in terms of the Millman effect. The purpose of this note is to suggest that an alternative explanation be sought for the observed results.


I. Introduction. A mathematical model describing the systematic and random behavior of atomic clocks is useful in the design of algorithms for constructing time scales, and we …

The Accuracy of Commercial Cesium Beam Frequency Standards

Abstract. The accuracy of Cesium beam frequency standards has been studied extensively over the years. Most of the published work, however, was carried out on few devices, which have been built in a small number of national laboratories. This puts the Cs beam standard in a strange and unique position because it is the primary reference, and it ...

Laser with 10−13 short-term instability for …

We realize a high-stability laser by modulation transfer spectroscopy and apply it to implement a high-performance compact optically pumped cesium beam atomic clock. Evaluated by the optical heterodyne method …

Coherent 455 nm beam production in a cesium …

Compiled May 25, 2009. W e observe cohe rent, contin uous wav e, 455 nm blue beam pro duction via frequency up-conversion in cesium. vapor. Two infrared lasers induce strong double-excitation in a ...

The Millman Effect in Cesium Beam Atomic Frequency …

A systematic frequency shift which reverses sign with either C field or beam reversal and which can be interpreted as the consequence of the Millman effect has been found in the new NRC cesium beam clock, CsV. A method of calculating the resonance asymmetry resulting from this effect and the dependence on the velocity distribution and exciting …

Quantum mechanics

A beam of cesium atoms emerges from an oven at a temperature of about 100 °C. The atoms pass through an inhomogeneous magnet A, which deflects the atoms in state F = 4 downward and those in state F = 3 by …


Abstract. We describe an optically pumped cesium-beam frequency standard under development for. deployment on the GPS-III satellite constellation. The objective of the …

Cesium Clock Teardown, Or Quantum Physics …

Cesium Clock Teardown, Or Quantum Physics Playground. 20 Comments. by: Al Williams. March 25, 2020. Half the fun of getting …

How Does a Practical Cesium Atomic Clock Work?

Cesium 133 is the element most commonly chosen for atomic clocks. To turn the cesium atomic resonance into an atomic clock, it is necessary to measure one of its transition or resonant frequencies accurately. This is normally done by locking a crystal oscillator to …

Cesium Primary Frequency References

On the left of Fig. 2 is a cesium oven from which a beam of cesium atoms emerges when the oven is heated. This beam of cesium atoms is collimated and directed through a Stern-Gerlach magnet (the a-magnet in Fig. 2), that deflects and focuses those cesium atoms in the beam that are in the desired state through a hole in the magnetic shield, so ...

Move Over Cesium Clock, Optical Clocks Are Taking …

Move Over Cesium Clock, Optical Clocks Are Taking Over. 26 Comments. by: Al Williams. March 26, 2021. We normally think of atomic clocks as the gold standard …

Frequency pulling by hyperfine σ transitions in cesium beam …

It is demonstrated that frequency pulling by Δm=±1 hyperfine σ transitions, here called Ramsey pulling, is a real calculable effect in atomic beam frequency standards.An analytic expression for the effects of Ramsey pulling is derived using perturbative techniques for the driving σ transitions, while treating the primary π …

(PDF) Improvement of the short- and long-term stability of …

The research of optically pumped cesium beam atomic clock (OPCB) at Peking University has lasted for decades. At present, the short-term frequency stability is 3 × 10 − 12 / τ and the long ...

Direct Replacement Cesium Beam Tubes

of a new instrument. Replacement cesium beams tube meet or exceed the original performance levels when all other components of the instrument perform to original specifications. Cesium beam tube replacement is offered for all Symmetricom cesium instruments and Page 1 of 2 other models of cesium instruments formerly manufactured …

(PDF) Laser with 10^(-13) short-term instability for

By comparing with a Hydrogen maser, the measured Allan deviation of the high-stability-laser-based cesium beam atomic clock is 2×10−12/τ, dropping to 1×10−14 in less than half a day of ...

HP Agilent 5071A Primary Frequency Standard (Cesium Beam…

HP Agilent 5071A Primary Frequency Standard (Cesium Beam) Measured Performance 5071A/001. HP 5071A/001 S/N 119 measured against PHM: 5071A. HP 5071A/001 S/N 381 measured against PHM: 5071A. HP 5071A S/N 1078 measured against PHM: 5071A. ... Send questions or comments to ...

[PDF] Portable single-beam cesium zero-field …

The development of a prototype zero-field cesium portable OPM and its miniaturized components are discussed and biplanar printed circuit board coils are presented that produce a reliable homogeneous field along three axes, compensating residual fields and occupying only a small volume within the sensor. Abstract. Optically …

Cesium beam clocks: magnetic versus optical …

White paper. Cesium beam clocks: magnetic versus optical technology. By Dr. Patrick Berthoud, chief scientist time and frequency. Cesium beam clocks are the most stable …

NIST's Cesium Fountain Atomic Clocks | NIST

This fountain is an upgrade of the NIST-F1 apparatus. Once the evaluation is completed, NIST-F4 will contribute to UTC and calibrate the absolute frequency of next-generation optical atomic clocks. It is expected to reach an accuracy approaching the 10 -16 level in fractional frequency. NIST-F3 is a cesium fountain frequency reference.

(PDF) Recent progress in optically-pumped cesium beam …

E-mail: wangyanhui@pku.edu. Abstract. A compact, long-life, and low-drift cesium beam clock is investigated at Peking. University, where the atoms are magnetic-state selecte d and optically ...

5071A Cesium Primary Time and Frequency Standard

The 5071A is the most accurate commercial atomic clock available. It has an accuracy of less than 5E−13 under all environmental conditions and no deterministic frequency drift. The capabilities and reliability of the 5071A make it the single largest contributor of cesium clocks—more than half of all contributing clocks—to Coordinated ...

Caesium atomic clocks: function, performance and applications

Cutler L S and Giffard R P 1992 Architecture and algorithms for new cesium beam frequency standard electronics Proc. 1992 IEEE Int. Frequency Control Symp. pp 127-33 . Google Scholar De Marchi A, Rovera G D and Premoli A 1984 Pulling by neighbouring transitions and its effects on the performance of cesium-beam frequency …

Commercial Cesium Beam Primary Frequency Standards

HP 5061A and 5061B primary frequency standards (cesium) HP 5062C primary frequency standard (cesium), HP 5065A secondary frequency standard (rubidium) FTS 4050 primary frequency standard (cesium) Hewlett-Packard flying atomic clock era (Len Cutler with hp 5060 cesium) HP 5062B PFU Precision Frequency Unit for collision avoidance

Cesium beam frequency standards | IEEE Conference …

This historical review of the development of cesium beam frequency standards covers the period from the announcement of the first atomic frequency standard in 1949 to the …

Cesium Atomic Clocks

The cesium beam clocks used at USNO are commercial rack-mounted devices. These clocks feature high-performance cesium beam tubes, with accuracy 1 part in 1012, frequency stability 8 parts in 1014, and a time …

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