underground coal geology

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Underground Coal Gasification | netl.doe.gov

Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) takes advantage of the same chemical reactions of coal to produce product gases, as those occurring in conventional gasifier reactors. The main difference is that in UCG the underground coal seam itself becomes the reactor, so that the gasification of the coal takes place underground instead of in a manufactured …

Numerical investigation of impacts of geological faults on coal …

Geological structures such as faults and dykes are one of the main contributors of catastrophic rock and/or coal burst events in underground mines. This study focuses on the impacts of faults on burst proneness in development roadways using the Universal Distinct Element Code (UDEC). A sensitivity analysis on the influence of …

A review of water rock interaction in underground …

This review focuses on water–rock interaction (WRI) in underground coal mining and lists the main issues of WRI. The corresponding analysis methods (laboratory …

Coal Geology, 2nd Edition | Wiley

Coal Geology covers all aspects of coal geology in one volume, bridging the gap between the academic aspects and the practical role of geology in the coal industry. ... 11.3 Underground coal gasification (UCG) 322. 11.4 Coal as a liquid fuel 330. 11.5 Coal as an oil-prone source rock 332. 12 Coal Use and the Environment 339. 12.1 Introduction ...

Geological features that contribute to ground control …

@article{osti_160254, title = {Geological features that contribute to ground control problems in underground coal mines}, author = {Shea-Albin, V R}, abstractNote = {Ground control problems are an important factor affecting safety, production, and efficiency in underground coal mines. A major portion of ground control problems encountered in …

The implementation of subterranean barriers with mine

1. Introduction. Reducing worldwide methane emissions from open pit and underground metallurgical coal (MC) mines is required to reduce the carbon intensity of a very high-value export industry, critical to the production of steel products to meet international urbanisation and energy system transformation goals.

2. Geology

An independent examination of the issues and evidence surrounding Underground Coal Gasification. 2. Geology. 2.0 This chapter sets the fundamental starting point for consideration of the potential UCG resource. Presentation of the issues was aided by inputs from interviews with Dr Alison Monaghan at BGS and Professors Haszeldene …

Underground coal gasification: From fundamentals to …

The underground coal gasification is a continually evolving technology, which converts coal to calorific gas. There are many important parameters in this technology, which are difficult to measure. These parameters include the underground cavity growth, amount gasified coal, and the leakage of input and output gaseous components into the ...

Geology-Oriented Load Estimation Approach for Underground Coal …

This paper proposes a new method to estimate the percentage of load carried by the gob in underground coal mines using a new parameter that introduces the site-specific overburden geology. The new ...

Geologic data collection and assessment techniques …

The identification and mitigation of adverse geologic conditions are critical to the safety and productivity of underground coal mining operations. To anticipate and …

Locating fires in abandoned underground coal mines

Mine fires. 1. Introduction. Fires in abandoned mines and waste banks are a relatively common occurrence in coal-producing areas (Kim and Chaiken, 1993). Abandoned mine fires present serious health, safety, and environmental hazards due to the emission of toxic fumes, subsidence, and the deterioration in air quality.

The evolution characteristics of fractures in overlying rock for

Underground coal fires are phenomena that coal seams burn due to natural or human factors and gradually develop to cause great harm to coal resources and the surrounding environment (Stracher and Taylor 2004; Pone et al. 2007).Coal fires are major catastrophes that occur in all coal-producing countries worldwide, particularly in China, …


Using the hydraulic fracturing in-situ stress testing rig with small boreholes,stress measurements were carried out at 14 sites near the large syncline structure in the Huating coal mining area,where steep and extremely thick coal seams are typical in China,to analyze the in-situ stress variation in different parts.Measured data point out that the …

Geophysical Characterization of Mining-Induced Complex …

Particularly, in industrialized countries such as China and the United States, the importance of the regional geological understanding of the mine environment has led …

ia Energy

Geology and Mineral Resources. Energy Resources. Coal. ia's coal miners reported production of 10.2 million short tons of bituminous coal in 20221, down about 15 percent from the production reported in 2021. Underground mining accounted for about 75 percent of ia's coal output.

Map of Gibson County, Indiana, showing locations of underground coal …

The Indiana Geological and Water Survey: The resource for geological information in the state of Indiana. Map of Gibson County, Indiana, showing locations of underground coal mines (1984) | Indiana Geological & Water Survey

Risk assessment of underground coal fire development at …

Risk assessment of underground coal fire development at regional scale. Jianjun Wu, Xiao-chen Liu. Published 1 April 2011. Environmental Science, Engineering, Geology. International Journal of Coal Geology. View via …

Energy – Illinois State Geological Survey

Coal geology. About 201,000 acres of residential and other built-up land lie close to Illinois' approximately 5,500 underground coal mines. ISGS offers an online Coal Mines in Illinois Viewer (ILMINES) to help home and business owners determine the proximity of coal mines and underground industrial mines to their properties. Although subsidence is …

Geology Oriented Loading Approach for Underground Coal …

Mining-induced stresses in underground coal mines play a significant role in pillar and support design, hence in the safety of mining operations. Adequate design of pillars and roof control plans rely on the accurate assessment of the mining-induced loads, as well as the load-bearing capacities of the supports. In pillar design tools frequently used by the …

Selecting the Optimal Borehole Drilling Pattern for Methane …

The emission of gas from the coal seams is one of the most important issues during the underground coal mining operation. Each year, coal gas emission from the underground stopes leads to the death of a large number of miners and is one of the biggest threats to workplace safety. In addition, ventilating and releasing coal gas …

Interaction analysis for CO2 geological storage and underground coal

The CO 2 geological storage in Ordos Basin and coal mining activities occurring simultaneously at the same location is a highly challenging coupled thermo-hydro-mechano-chemical (THMC) problem. To address this problem, an in-house program named "AEEA Coupler" was developed by linking two commercial software packages, Simulia …

Underground coal gasification

Underground coal gasification (UCG) is essentially the same chemical conversion process used in surface coal gasification plant to convert solid coal into a mixture of useful gases known as synthesis gas (or syngas). ... but its application is highly dependent on coal seam geology, that is, coal seam dip angle of greater than 60 degrees.

Coal | Properties, Formation, Occurrence and Uses

Coal is typically extracted from underground or surface mines. Underground mining methods include room and pillar, longwall, and retreat mining, while surface mining methods include strip mining, mountaintop removal, and open-pit mining. ... Although coal is known from most geological periods, 90% of all coal deposits were …

International Journal of Coal Geology

coal utilization related to geology and constituents of coal; emission reduction and carbon capture, storage, and utilization; geological and environmental aspects of coal fires and underground coal gasification. Application of computational methods for …

Coal Geology

10 Geology and Coal Mining, 271 10.1 Introduction, 271 10.2 Underground mining, 271 10.3 Surface mining, 287 11 Coal as an Alternative Energy Source, 303 11.1 Introduction, …

Identifying sources of respirable quartz and silica dust in underground …

All three of the coal beds are in the Kanawha Formation (Middle Pennsylvanian) within the Pottsville Group. In general, the Kanawha Formation coal beds contain limited mineral matter (on the order of a median value of 5% ash) and sulfur-bearing minerals (Martino, 1996). Two Kentucky underground mining operations are included in …

Coal Geology, 3rd Edition | Wiley

A global exploration of coal geology, from production and use to chemical properties and coal petrology Coal Geology, 3rd Edition, offers a revised and updated edition of this popular book which provides a comprehensive overview of the field of coal geology including coal geophysics, hydrogeology and mining. Also covered in this volume are …

Ohio Geology Interactive Map

General Inquiries. Phone: (614) 265-6576. Email: geo.survey@dnr.ohio.gov. ODNR Interactive Maps Home. Division of Geological Survey Home. Offers an extensive collection of geologic …

Discussion on the Main Control Effect of Geological …

This study investigates the differences between coal and gas outbursts under various geological structural conditions and the impact of the geological structure on outburst distribution. This reveals the controlling …

In-situ stress measurements and stress distribution

In Chinese coal mines, the geological environments of coal seams are complex, and influenced by numerous types of geological structure such as faults, folds and collapse features. ... In most of the underground coal mines in China the overcoring method is applied to measure in-situ stresses with hydraulic fracturing being used in very …

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