Pyrite Using Diisobutyl Monothiophosphate
The fundamental understanding of the improvement in selectivity with the addition of MTP in the flotation of ele-mental gold from pyrite is limited and is the subject of this paper. In this regard ...

The fundamental understanding of the improvement in selectivity with the addition of MTP in the flotation of ele-mental gold from pyrite is limited and is the subject of this paper. In this regard ...
The gold ore used in this work was obtained from Kanowna Belle gold mine (Kalgoorlie, Western Australia). This plant has a flotation circuit to recover gold-bearing pyrite and a gravity circuit to recover free gold. In other words, the flotation feed contained gold locked in pyrite and free gold. 2. Materials and methods2.1. Ore sample
Pyrrhotite floats best in acid circuits. The pH range for flotation for gold sulfide ores containing pyrite and arsenopyrite is generally between 7 and 9. Flotation may be carried out at higher pH values of 9 to 10, since this favours the depression of talc minerals and avoids the use of expensive gangue depressants.
Two-stage flotation (copper and pyrite rougher stages) at a p80 of 70 µm indicated that high gold (95.2%) and copper (97.4%) recovery can be achieved, but the levels of pyrite in the concentrate ...
The gold ore tested comprised of predominantly gold bearing pyrite from Western Australia. The ore was first crushed to − 2.36 mm in size prior to the grinding. After the crushing, the ore was dry ground to the particle size of 80% passing of 150 μm using a laboratory scale rod mill.
Kinetics of semi-batch flotation behavior of a gold ore from North-Western Quebec, Canada was investigated with respect to fineness of grind (P80). The gold was mostly associated with pyrite in ...
An investigation into the effects of various flotation parameters on the flotation behavior of pyrite, gold and uranium contained in the Witatersrand Type ores and their practical exploitation, International Conference on Gold, 1986, 505-525. Ekmekci, Z. and Demirel, H., Electrochemical behaviour and collectorless flotation of pyrite.
Gold often coexists with pyrite as micron and submicron-inclusions and pyrite is therefore floated to maximize gold recovery in gold processing plants. In practice, different types of grinding media and a great range of pH and collector concentrations are used for pyrite flotation without scientific guidance.
The transition of gold nanoparticles to gold-bearing veinlets could occur by solid-state pipe-diffusion and elemental migration from the interior of pyrite grains to the surfaces, according to ...
The flotation of gold bearing ores—a review. Miner Eng. 1994;7(7):839. Allison S, Dunne R, De Waal S. The flotation of gold and pyrite from South African gold-mine residues. In: 14th International Mineral Processing Congress. Toronto, Canada; 1982. II-9.18. Lins F, Adamian R. The influence of some physical variables on gold flotation.
Pyrite, also known as "fool's gold," is a common iron sulfide mineral with the chemical formula FeS2. It forms in a variety of geological settings through several processes. Formation: Pyrite forms under reducing conditions, typically in environments with low oxygen levels, high sulfur content, and abundant iron.
It was found that increasing pH from 9.0 to 10.5 and then to 11.5 progressively depressed pyrite in chalcopyrite flotation with 5% pyrite, but a different phenomenon occurred in the flotation with 25% pyrite. In the flotation with 25% pyrite, increasing pH from 9.0 to 10.5 promoted pyrite flotation unexpectedly, while increasing pH from 10.5 …
The depression of pyrite and arsenopyrite with increasing pulp pH was attributed to the formation of surface oxidation product as long as the pulp. Conclusion. The influential role of collector type and hydrogen peroxide on differential flotation of pyrite and arsenopyrite have been investigated.
Consequently, gold flotation recovery requires a focus on floating the associated base metals (predominantly lead, copper) and often pyrite minerals. While lime is often used in base sulphide mineral flotation, because excess lime also tends to depress gold flotation, a balance must be maintained between good base metal metallurgy and gold ...
Fig. 2 shows that as pH increased from 9.0 to 10.5 and then to 11.5, the pyrite recovery obtained from the flotation of the ore with 5 % pyrite decreased steadily from 94.5 to 40.6 % and then to 10.3 %. Hence, a direct link between the decreased pyrite recovery in Fig. 2 and the increased Cu grade in Fig. 1 when pH increased could be drawn. The …
Optimisation of gold recovery by selective gold flotation for copper-gold-pyrite ores. February 2001. Minerals Engineering 14 (2):227-241. DOI: 10.1016/S0892 …
1. Introduction. Pyrite is the world's most abundant sulphide mineral and can take many forms. It can be a highly problematic gangue species in base metal sulphide …
The ore assays 2.5g/t Au, 23.4% S and 56.6% Fe. This research enriched the gold by flotation, and recovered it by a chemical process. The obtained flotation concentrate contains 66.35%g/t gold and 37.06% S with recovery 96.14% and 96.42% respectively. A roasting process was conducted at 900-1000°C for 5.5hrs, followed by cyanide leaching …
The reason is that pyrite is the most common gold-bearing mineral and hence it is recovered by flotation in numerous gold mining operations (Albijanic et al., 2015a;Rabieh et al., 2016; Rabieh et ...
These particles may be separated from the oxides of iron by washing, and the use of nitric acid, followed by panning, is frequently resorted to in order to detect gold in pyrites. Moreover, although usually invisible, gold can sometimes be seen in unroasted pyrites. As long ago as the year 1874, Richard Daintree and Latta found specimens of ...
On the other hand, pyrite is a common host for valuable metals, such as gold. It is also increasingly being seen as a source of other "critical" metals such as cobalt. ... The pyrite flotation results clearly demonstrate that different flotation domains exhibit significantly different pyrite recoveries. Overall, these values are similar to ...
Pyrite (FeS 2 ), one of the most common sulfide minerals, is not only associated with coal and nonferrous metals (chalcopyrite, galena, and sphalerite) (Wang …
The flotation recovery of arsenopyrite far exceeded that of pyrite with the addition of 50, 150 and 300 mg/l CuSO 4 concentration, in conformity with flotation behaviour reported in single mineral study (Forson et al., 2021a). As discussed in the preceding section, a change of the nature of IPETC interaction at high pH (>11) may be …
1. also for beneficiation and separation of difficult-to-treat (refractory) gold ores. Flotation is also the best method for recovery of gold from base metal ores and gold-containing …
Chalcopyrite and pyrite show recovery of over 90% when working with SBX and MIBC at pH 4–10. An increase in pH to 11.5 allowed lowering the pyrite recovery to …
Flotation preconcentration of gold-bearing sulfides (pyrite and arsenian pyrite) from many Carlin-type refractory gold deposits are challenging, with low recovery …
DOI: 10.1016/S0301-7516(97)00018-5 Corpus ID: 98674614; Selective flotation of gold from pyrite under oxidizing conditions @article{Monte1997SelectiveFO, title={Selective flotation of gold from pyrite under oxidizing conditions}, author={Marisa Bezerra de Mello Monte and Fernando Antonio Freitas Lins and Jose F. L. de Oliveira}, …
Abstract. Native gold and electrum are naturally-occurring alloys containing gold and silver and a little copper. They are the most common and important forms of gold in ores. Their recovery by gravity concentration, cyanidation, or flotation from ores, typically containing 0.1–20 g/t Au is of great commercial importance.
Flotation is used to recover gold-bearing pyrite, and is based on the differences between the surface properties of pyrite and non-sulfide minerals.
Pyrite flotation separation and encapsulation in tailings dams is proposed as a viable way to chemically stabilize tailings. Characterization of potential acid mine generation in tailings led to an innovative process in which acid-generating pyrite is separated by flotation from the coarse tailings and incorporated into the slime zone. …
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