gypsum mining in china

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Multi-isotope identification of key hydrogeochemical …

Multi-isotope identification of key hydrogeochemical processes and pollution pathways of groundwater in abandoned mining areas in Southwest China Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2023 Jun 2. ... results of ion analysis and sulfur isotope tracing indicated that the sulfur in groundwater was primarily derived from gypsum dissolution, whereas the ...

Saudi Arabia

02 April 2024. Saudi Arabia: National Gypsum Company's sales amounted to US$13.8m in 2023, down by 5.5% year-on-year from US$14.6m in 2022. Reuters has reported that the company's cost of sales dropped by 8% year-on-year. Nonetheless, it recorded a net profit of US$1.36m, against a US$1.71m loss in 2022. Published in Global Gypsum News.

(PDF) Gypsum karst in China

PDF | The Peoples Republic of China has the largest gypsum resources in the world and a long history of their exploitation. The gypsum deposits range in... | Find, …

Study on damage characteristics and application of gypsum …

The instability of mine pillars has posed a serious threat to the safety of mines in China. In order to reduce the risk of pillar instability, this study used fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) to ...

Boss kills himself after mine collapses in China | CNN

Published 1:35 AM EST, Mon December 28, 2015. Link Copied! A trapped miner is rescued from a collapsed gypsum mine in Pingyi County, in east China's Shandong Province, on Friday, December 25. Guo ...

Production and resource utilization of flue gas …

Properties and production of FGD gypsum in China are given. • Chinese government desulfurization measures during 2000–2019 are summarized. • The application of FGD gypsum and its impact on the environment are analyzed. • A …

Gypsum karst geohazards in China | 16 | The Engineering …

ABSTRACT. China has the worlds largest proven gypsum (CaSO 4 .2H 2 O) resources in the world. The gypsum ranges from pre-Cambrian to Quaternary in age and occurs in varied geological environments. The rapid dissolution rate of gypsum means that gypsum karst development can be very fast, resulting in progressively worsening geohazards.

Gypsum karst geohazards in China | 16 | The …

China has the worlds largest proven gypsum (CaSO 4.2H 2 O) resources in the world. The gypsum ranges from pre-Cambrian to Quaternary in age and occurs in varied geological …

(PDF) Gypsum karst geohazards in China

China has the worlds largest proven gypsum (CaSO4.2H(2)O) resources in the world. The gypsum ranges from pre-Cambrian to Quaternary in age and occurs in varied geological …

Damage Analysis of Soaking Gypsum and Safety Evaluation …

The rock samples selected in the test are from the lower roadway side and roof of gypsum mine in North Jiangsu, China, and the sampling depth is about 260 m below the surface (Fig. 1).In the laboratory, it was processed according to the method recommended by international rock mechanics test, and it was processed into a 50 mm …

Gypsum Mining Method & Cost

Gypsum Mining Method & Cost. Table of Contents. Gypsum and its products are economical materials in their respective fields. Lime and hydraulic cement plasters compete to a limited extent with gypsum in the plaster field. Lime is used today in construction, chiefly as an ingredient in the finish coat over gypsum-plaster base coats.

Experimental Investigation of the Mechanical Behavior and …

China is rich in gypsum ore resources, and the total proved reserves of various types of gypsum rank first in the world. The mining of gypsum mines is mostly carried out using the open field method, so a large number of goaves are inevitably formed after mining is completed.

China Soil Sand and Stone Mining: Limestone, Gypsum Mining …

View China's China Limestone, Gypsum Mining: YoY: Value Added Tax Payable: Year to Date from Jan 2006 to Oct 2015 in the chart: max 1y 5y 10y. Apply. max 1y 5y 10y. Apply CN: Limestone, Gypsum Mining: Account Receivable. CN: Limestone, Gypsum Mining: Administration Expense: ytd. CN: Limestone, Gypsum Mining: Asset Contribution Ratio: …


Here is a highly aesthetic selenite specimen from China. Most selenite specimens on the market are from Naica, Mexico, but lesser known are the very similar ones from the Qinglong Mine in China. Most of the Chinese specimens are just single selenite crystals, so finding a specimen with multiple, long crystals still attached to the selenite ...

(PDF) Gypsum karst geohazards in China

China has the worlds largest proven gypsum (CaSO4.2H (2)O) resources in the world. The gypsum ranges from pre-Cambrian to …

A review of mining-induced seismicity in China

Rockburst events usually cause severe damage to drifts over several dozens of meters and the generated seismic waves can be felt on the ground surface. The rockburst problem at Hongtuoshan mine tops in all hard rock mines in China [41], [42]. The gypsum mines in Zhaozhuan city of Shandong Province occupies an area of 16.7 km 2. …

Environmental risk assessment of industrial byproduct gypsum …

China produces very large amounts of industrial byproduct gypsum each year. There are three main types of byproduct gypsum that are produced by industrial activities: titanium gypsum (TG), which is produced by neutralizing acidic liquid wastes with lime or calcium carbide slag during the production of sulfuric acid titanium dioxide; …


flue gas desulfurization (FGD) units as feedstock has resulted in less mining of natural gypsum. The availability of inexpensive natural gas, however, has limited the additional construction of FGD units and, therefore, the use of ... China 15,500 16,000 NA France 3,000 3,000 350,000 Germany 3,300 3,200 NA India 2,700 2,700 37,000 Iran 16,000 ...

Research on Catastrophic Pillar Instability in Room and …

Abstract: Gypsum mines in China are mostly exploited through room and pillar mining. Due to backward mining technology and a long history of mining, a great number of …

Investigation of catastrophic ground collapse in Xingtai gypsum …

Introduction. At 19:36 h, on 6 November 2005, a ground collapse of an extra-large scale suddenly occurred in Xingtai gypsum mines in China, which caused a large number of casualties including 37 deaths (20 miners underground, 17 residents on the surface) and 38 injuries (26 underground, 12 on the surface).A total of 88 living rooms on …

Research on Catastrophic Pillar Instability in Room and …

they provide theoretic reference for the treatment of gypsum goaf, as well as for further mining. Keywords: room and pillar mining; catastrophic instability; damage; stability 1. Introduction Seventy percent of gypsum mines in China are exploited through underground mining [1,2], or to be specific, room and pillar mining.

Environmental Risk Assessment of Industrial by- product …

China University of Mining and Technology Yue Sun China University of Mining and Technology Research Keywords: Industrial solid waste gypsum, Coal mine back-lling, Leaching of metal elements ...

Engineering geology and ground collapse mechanism in

For example, as reported by Wang et al. (2008), an extra-large crown-shaped ground-surface collapse suddenly occurred in the Xingtai gypsum mine in China in November 2005 which resulted in a large number of casualties (37 died and 38 were injured). Another good example was reported by Brady and Brown (2006) involving gold …

Four trapped and 13 missing following collapse of gypsum mine …

Four miners remain trapped and 13 others are still missing after a gypsum mine collapsed ten days ago in Shandong, China. January 3, 2016. Share this article Copy Link; Share on X; Share on Linkedin; Share on Facebook; Four miners remain trapped and 13 others are still missing after a gypsum mine collapsed ten days ago in Shandong, …

Research on Catastrophic Pillar Instability in Room …

Gypsum mines in China are mostly exploited through room and pillar mining. Due to backward mining technology and a long history of mining, a great number of pillars were left in gypsum mines.


formed, gypsum may be buried and so convert to anhydrite, which hydrates back to gypsum when uncovered by erosion. The main gypsum reserves are in Canada estimated at 1,3 billion tons, followed by the United States at 700 million tons and China at 450 million tons. Gypsum resources are adequate but unevenly distributed.

Karst Paleo-Collapses and Their Impacts on Mining …

Paleo-collapse structures are one of the most important types of paleo-karst features (Zhou, 1997). Paleo-collapses are widely distributed in northern China, especially in the provinces of Shanxi, Hena, and Hebei, as listed in Table 1. They have been found in over 50 coalfields and their total number exceeds 3,000 with an intensity of up to 70 ...

Gypsum Data Sheet

desulfurization (FGD) units as feedstock has resulted in less mining of natural gypsum. The availability of inexpensive natural gas, however, has limited the additional construction of FGD units and, therefore, the use of synthetic gypsum ... China 15,500 16,000 NA France 3,000 3,000 NA Germany 3,200 3,200 NA India 2,700 2,700 37,000 Iran ...

Grand Rapids Gypsum Mines – Wyoming, Michigan

Gypsum mining was once a major industry in the Grand Rapids, Michigan area. Mining began in 1841, with an open quarry and a mill on Plaster Creek, where it enters the Grand River. Other quarries ...

Research on Catastrophic Pillar Instability in Room …

Gypsum mines in China are mostly exploited through room and pillar mining. Due to backward mining technology and a long history of mining, a great number of pillars were …

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