bond grinding index of clinker

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Breakthrough in Clinker Grinding

By: Richard P. Bohan, Director of Manufacturing Technology, Portland Cement Association, rbohan@cement, and John P. Kline, Principal, John Kline Consulting, johnpkline@gmail See more

Granulated blast furnace slag grinding

The slags also have higher wear values than Portland cement clinker. The process of grinding depends on the type of machine used for the process and on the type of application. ... Finish grinding ...

Study of intergrinding and separate grinding of blast …

Oner (2000) have conducted a research of clinker and blast furnace slag mixture Bond Work Index in different mass proportions. He found out that these values are always lower than the Bond Index ...


Ore grindability is represented by the Bond work index value for the purposes of the processes in mineral processing. This value is found in a laboratory Bond ball mill by …


Here P is the value in microns which 80% of the last cycle sieve undersized product passes, F the size which 80% of the new ball mill feed passes. Formula (5.4) is equivalent to (5/2) in the case of sieve mesh 150 (h = 105 microns). The Bond test is the best simulation of up to date closed circuit grinding

Single particle impact breakage characteristics of clinkers …

Correlations between Standard Bond work index and strength giving mineral amounts are investigated for clinker-5, clinker-6, clinker-7, clinker-8 and clinker-9. Standard Bond tests were carried out using a 90 μm test sieve (Bond,1960). Mineral proportions and bond index values for those five clinker samples are tabulated in Table 4.

Cement grinding optimisation

The current world consumption of cement is about 1.5 billion tonnes per annum and it is increasing at about 1% per annum. The electrical energy consumed in cement production is approximately 110. kWh/tonne, and around 40% of this energy is consumed for clinker grinding.. There is potential to optimise conventional cement …

Resistance to Grinding and Cement Paste Performance of

The standard methods to measure resistance to grinding are energy–size relationships, such as the Bond work index. Due to the fineness of industrial cement, the Bond work index does not model accurately blends of gypsum and clinker grinding for 100 μm cut sizes .

Table of Bond Work Index

Hello, I was checking the Table of Ball Mill Index. Regarding the source 1 (Bond), I checked the source and the values are different. ... Use Add New Topic to ask a New Question/Discussion about Grinding. OR Select a Topic that Interests you. ... Cement clinker in Bond's list is 13.56 kWh/st; 13.56 × 1.1023 = 14.947 ...

(PDF) Estimation of the Bond grindability index from

This index is determined on a laboratory-scale using a Bond ball-mill and by simulating dry grinding in a closed circuit until the 250% circulating load has been obtained.

Bond Grindability Test Procedure

The Bond Ball Mill Grindability test is designed to give a measure of the grinding characteristics of a material by finding the amount of size reduction resulting from a controlled energy input. Ball Mill Grindability of a material depends upon its hardness, structure, the manner in which it is fractured. The grindability is useful in evaluating …

Characterization of the Grinding Behavior of Binary …

Bond and Hardgrove grindability methods were employed to determine grindability properties clinker and colemanite by varying proportions. Bond work index …

(PDF) Study Of The Clinker Characteristics And Grindability …

The clinker samples collected also undergone standard Bond grindability test. The objective of the Bond ball mill test is to determine the so-called standard work index, which is defined as the specific power required to reduce a material from a notional infinite size to a P80 size of 1O~m.

Grindability of mixtures of cement clinker and trass

The Bond method of grindability was applied to clinker and trass and to their mixtures. Kinetic experiments also were carried out in the Bond ball mill with each component and the mixtures to obtain a better understanding of the interactions taking place in mixture grinding. The Bond work indices of mixtures were not simply weighted …

Limestone grindability in terms of HGI and a new approach …

The Bond work index is a measure of ore resistance to crushing and grinding and is determined using the Bond grindability test. Its value constitutes ore characteristic and is used for industrial ...

Bond Work Index Procedure and Method

This Grindability Test or Bond Ball Mill Work Index Procedure is used to determine the Bond Work Index of minus six mesh or finer feed ore samples. These equation application methods are used to process <1/2″ ore samples in a Ball Mill using a standard ball charge.. Below describes in general terms the Bond Work Index …

GRINDING Grinding options for slag and pozzolan

The Bond Ball Mill Work Index (BBMWi) is widely used to measure the grindability of a mineral in kWh/t.2 In reference to clinker grinding, the following are typical Table 1: typical properties of feed materials3 Material Appearance Grain size/ fineness (mm) Moisture content (%) Clinker Hard, abrasive <30 dry

Fast test method for the determination of the grindability of …

The standard laboratory grindability tests can be applied to the grinding of materials in a relatively coarse particle size interval (Bond method: x < 3.36 mm, Hardgrove: x = 0.59–1.19 mm ...

bond grinding of clinker

bond work index of bauxite BINQ Mining. May 05, 2013bond work index of bauxite. Posted Cement clinker. coal, slag, bauxite and other mineral grinding CAPACITY IN TPH (BASED ON BOND'S WORK INDEX

Table of Bond Abrasion Index for Varied Minerals-Materials

The Bond Abrasion Test determines the Abrasion Index, which is used to determine steel media and liner wear in crushers, rod mills, and ball mills. Bond developed the following correlations based on the wear rate in pounds of metal wear/kWh of energy used in the comminution process. Determining rock abrasivity in the laboratory ref

Study on energy use and carbon emission from …

For instance, bond index of limestone consumed in plant 2 situated in southern zone is high (16.5 kWh/tonne) compared to the type of limestone consumed by other cement plants. Plant 2 exhibited high energy demand (4378 MJ/tonne of clinker) for the production of cooled clinker, and plant 4 exhibited least energy demand (3863 …

Hargdrove Grindability Index (HGI) and calculated Bond work index …

The Bond work index (BWI) is a well-known method used when selecting comminution equipment, to evaluate the grinding efficiency and to calculate the required grinding power.

Characterization of the Grinding Behavior of Binary Mixtures of Clinker …

In terms of grinding energy calculations, Bond Work Index (BWI) was taken into consideration. ... During grinding, a low amount of clinker is added to the slag and the fine fraction produced by ...

Resistance to Grinding and Cement Paste Performance of …

Hardgrove grindability index (HGI) values of clinker and colemanite are 51.81 and 99.62, and Blaine fineness values are 920 cm2/g and 2430 cm2/g, respectively. As colemanite addition increases HGI ...

Quantifying the effect of clinker grinding AIDS under laboratory

This index is determined on a laboratory-scale using a Bond ball-mill and by simulating dry grinding in a closed circuit until the 250% circulating load has been obtained.

Effect of certain trace elements on the grindability of cement clinkers

The Bond "work index" (W i) values differ from the Zeisel "specific grindability" (W t) values, which is fully justified if we consider the different nature of the two testing methods and equipment, the grinding fineness range to be studied, etc.At the same time, the classification made on the basis of the "specific grindability" (W t) values …

bond ball mill work index clinker

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Determination of the Bond work index of binary …

The traditional Hardgrove Grindability Index (HGI) was determined by using the following equation: (3) HGI = 13 + 6.93 m P where m P means the mass of …

Table of Bond Work Index by Minerals

This Table of Ball Mill Bond Work Index of Minerals is a summary as tested on 'around the world sample'. You can find the SG of each mineral samples on the other …

Bond Work Index (Energy equation)

BOND WORK INDEX. The Bond Work Index is a factor that measures the energy consumed in size reduction operation of the ore. The Bond's Work Index equation is: W=WI* (10/√P80 -10/√F80) where. W= the energy input (Work input) per ton, kwh/metric ton. WI= Work Index= specific energy per ton, kwh/metric ton (characterizes the ore)

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