laws regulating the mining sector in ghana

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  • laws regulating the mining sector in ghana

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Ghana Mining Sector

CS Ghana can inform interested U.S. companies about developments in Ghana's mining sector. Contact: PaaEkow Quansah at or +233 (0)30-274-1870 for more information. 03/17/2023. Ghana Expands Localization List for Goods and Services Supplied to Mining Sector.

Minerals And Mining (Health, Safety and Technical) …

Ghana. Type of law. Regulation. Source. FAO, FAOLEX. Abstract. These Regulations, made under section 110 of the Mining Act, provide with respect to health and safety in …


This paper seeks to shed light on the impacts of FDI in Ghana's mining sector, the economy and the environment. ... specific sector policy reforms that sought to boost investor interest in the mining sector, a new Mineral and Mining Law (PNDCL 153) of 1986 vests all minerals in the Government of Ghana on behalf of the people of Ghana. …

What are environmental regulations on mining activities?

An extensive regulatory system has been developed to govern current mining operations in the United States, as well as to guide the cleanup of historical ones. The framework for mining regulation is primarily based on federal laws dating back to the late 1960s. In many cases, these regulatory responsibilities have been delegated to state ...

JLD & Legal Consultancy

The Minerals and Mining industry in Ghana is the latest member of the extractive sector to issue consolidated and dedicated local content and local participation regulations for the sector. The Minerals and …

Development in the Mining Industry in Ghana

• the Minerals and Mining (Licensing) Regulations 2012 (LI 2176). The principal regulatory bodies that administer the above laws are: • The Minister of Lands & Natural Resources; and • The Minerals Commission Mining Regulations in Ghana The mining industry in Ghana is regulated at the national level via mining and related

Mining Laws and Regulations in Ghana

September 15, 2021. Our chapter in the ICLG Mining Guide 2022, covers common issues in mining laws and regulations in Ghana. It includes the acquisition of rights, …

Legal and regulatory changes in Ghana address challenges …

Mining in Ghana is controlled by the Minerals and Mining Act of 2006 and regulated by the Minerals Commission, which is part of the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources …

Environmental Regulations in the Mining Sector and Their …

The chapter provides an overview of the mining sector's relationship with the environment, environmental consequences of the extraction of the most economically important and prevalent minerals, and an overview of environmental regulation in each country, including mining-sector-specific regulations and more general environmental …

Local Content

The Minerals and Mining (Local Content and Local Participation) Regulations, 2020 (L.I. 2431) came into force on 22 December 2020. The purpose of the Regulations among others is to: (a). Promote job creation through the use of local expertise, goods and services, businesses and financing in the mining industry value chain and their …

Laws, Regulations and Enabling Acts | Ministry of Energy

Ghana Renewable Energy Master Plan ... (GENERAL) REGULATIONS, 2018, LI 2359. FISCAL PROVISIONS IN THE PETROLEUM (EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION)(GENERAL) REGULATIONS, 2018, LI 2359 - PDF Document. ... implementation, monitoring and evaluation of energy sector policies.

Ghana Mining Sector

For more information on Ghana's mining sector, contact the Commercial Section of the U.S. Embassy in Ghana, Commercial Specialist PaaEkow Quansah at or Tel: +233 (0)30-274-1870. 04/21/2022. Ghana seeks environmental technologies to manage mine tailings for the development of its nascent …


The principal laws regulating the mining industry are: 1. 1993. The Minerals Commission Act, 1993 (Act 450) 1. ACT 450. The-Minerals-Commission-Act-1993- (Act-450) …

Political Economy of the Mining Sector in Ghana

The largest gold deposits are found in the Ashanti, Western, Central, and Brong-Ahafo Regions. The mining sector currently contributes approximately 41 percent of total exports earnings, 14 percent of total tax revenues, and 5.5 percent of Ghana's gross domestic product (GDP) (for official statistics, see appendix A).

All mining companies in Ghana must operate within the regulatory framework

Henceforth, the media must ensure that the regulatory bodies compel all mining companies in Ghana to operate strictly within the regulatory framework in the Minerals and Mining (Amendment) Law ...

Environmental, Social & Governance Laws and Regulations Report 2024 Ghana

There is no consolidated law or regulation that governs ESG in Ghana. There are, however, varied laws and regulations that pertain to aspects of ESG in Ghana. These include: the 1992 Constitution of Ghana; the Labour Act, 2003 (Act 651); the Environmental Protection Act, 1994 (Act 490); the Minerals and Mining Act, 2006 (Act 703);

The Legal Regime Of The Mining Sector In …

Let me express my sincerest gratitude to the leadership of the Students' Representative Council (SRC) of the Ghana School of Law, led by its president, Mr. Wonder Victor Kutor, for settling on me to deliver …

analysis of regulatory and institutional challenges in the gold mining …

The gold mining sector in Ghana predates independence and has over the years contributed significantly to Ghana's socio-economic development through revenue generation, employment creation and ...


Mining and quarrying contributed US$4.2 billion to the country's GDP in the first three quarters of 2019, representing a 13.3 percent increase over the same period in 2018. Following a wave of investments, the mining and quarrying sector saw its growth propelled by an average of 17.5 percent by the second quarter of 2019.

Governance challenges of small-scale gold mining in Ghana…

The mining sector in Ghana is governed primarily by the Minerals and Mining Act, 2006 (Act 703) (Government of Ghana, 2006) (as amended in 2015 and recently in 2019) and the Minerals Commission Act. These serve as the principal enactments setting out the guidelines for the country's mining laws.


Mining Law (PNDC Law 153) was enacted to promote and regulate the orderly development of the sector. The Small-Scale Gold Mining Law (PNDC Law 218), the Mercury Law …


Mining Regulations. Minerals & Mining (General) Regulation. DOWNLOAD >> Minerals & Mining (Support Services) Regulations. DOWNLOAD >> Minerals & Mining …


documents governing the mining sector such as the Ghana's Minerals and Mining Act, 2006, (Act 703), National Mining Policy, regulations and other sub regional policy documents. The policies governing the mining sector in Ghana have inherent gaps which limit the regulation of the sector and did not address the environmental, health, human …

(PDF) Local procurement in the mining sector: Is Ghana

Abstract and Figures. Since 2012, Ghana has been implementing local procurement regulations in the mining sector to broaden and deepen linkages between mining and other sectors of the economy. The ...

Ghana's illegal mining continues because the rules and …

The sector employs over 1 million rural Ghanaians directly, while the upstream and downstream industries employ 4.5 million people, accounting for 60% of the country's mining workforce. But ...

(PDF) Challenges and opportunities of environmental policy

Thus, 1986 marks the turning point in Ghana's mining sector because since then, "mineral production, earnings and investments have been on the rise, and there are more participants in the industry than ever before" (Addy, 1998, p. 238). ... Some lamented how illegal mining operators for instance, break the laws regulating mining activities ...

A Political Economy of Regulatory Policy: The Case of

One main strategy to regulate the small-scale mining sector is to enforce institutions and legislative instruments. North (1990, 3) defines institutions as "the rules of the game in a society, or more formally, are the humanly devised constraints that shape human interaction … they structure incentives in human exchange, whether political, …


• The main regulatory body in the Ghana mining sector is the Minerals Commission, this is a government agency established under Article 269 of the 1992 Constitution and the …

Mining Laws and Regulations in Ghana

September 15, 2021. Our chapter in the ICLG Mining Guide 2022, covers common issues in mining laws and regulations in Ghana. It includes the acquisition of rights, ownership requirements and restrictions, processing transfer and encumbrance, environment aspects, native title and land rights. Access our chapter here.

Mining Policy

Mining Policy Ensuring Mining Contributes to Sustainable Development. Ghana's mining history, particularly gold, dates back to the fifteenth century. The industry was very vibrant during the pre-independence period when mining policy was largely geared towards assisting and promoting the maximization of mineral production in the interests of the …

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