مرحبًا بكم في قاعدة إنتاج معدات التعدين. نحن ننتج بشكل أساسي معدات التكسير والطحن والتعدين ذات الصلة. إذا كان لديك أي احتياجات ، يمكنك الاتصال بخدمة العملاء عبر الإنترنت أو ترك رسالة من خلال النموذج أدناه. سوف نخدمك بكل إخلاص!.
JSC "Saratov Electrical Instrument Engineering Plant named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze" Saratov, Saratov region: 43: LLC "Saratov Electro Aggregate Production Association-Electric Propulsion Engineering Plant" Saratov, Saratov region: 44: JSC "Moscow Radio Plant "Temp" Moscow: 45: JSC "Aircraft Corporation "Rubin" Balashikha, Moscow …
saratov aggregate plant jsc. shadrinsk auto aggregate mixing plant shadrinsk auto aggregate plant Grinding Mill China. Founded in the 17th century, Shadrinsk is a town in Kurgan Oblast By 1686 the free-peasant settlement of Shadrinsk was already the largest in Western Siberia, Shadrinsk Auto Aggregate Plant (JSC SAAP) is one of the largest ...
saratov aggregate plant jsc. saratov aggregate plant jsc janinavonsirrinde. saratov aggregate plant jsc Grinding Mill China History The company was established in 1889 as the Ya M Aivaz (Russian: Я М Айваз) FactorySvetlana was a major producer of vacuum tubesIn 1937, the Soviet Union purchased a tube assembly line from RCA, including …
Saratov Aggregate Plant on puolustusalan monimutkainen yritys, joka sijaitsee Saratovissa.. Yritys on osa holdingyhtiötä "High Precision Complexes" . Tehdas sijaitsee Rabochaya-, Universitetskaya-ja Astrakhanskaya-katujen välisellä korttelilla ja rajoittuu Electroterm-93- tehtaan alueen kanssa.Toimistorakennus sijaitsee Saratovin …
Discover JSC DNEPROPETROVSK AGGREGATE PLANT on Europages and contact them directly for more information, to request a quote, etc. ... PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY 'DNEPROPETROVSK AGGREGATE PLANT' is a large machine-building enterprise with 85-years of experience in manufacturing products for aircraft engineering, …
Saratov Aggregate Plant este o întreprindere complexă de apărare situată în Saratov.. Compania face parte din holdingul „Complexe de înaltă precizie" . Uzina este situată în blocul dintre străzile Rabochaya, Universitetskaya, Astrakhanskaya și se învecinează cu teritoriul uzinei Electroterm-93 . Clădirea de birouri este situată lângă Teatrul Dramatic …
Shadrinsk Automobile Aggregate Plant JSC (an enterprise of the UMMC machine-building complex) has produced the first PDM14-UMMC Ferrit LHD with a carrying capacity of 14 tons. - The fourteen-ton machine is a continuation of a large development project production of the entire line of mine equipment, which has not been produced in …
JSC NPP Iskra Plant is a Russian military-industrial state enterprise that develops diodes, transistors and other semiconductor devices for the Russian defence sector. ... JSC "SARATOV AGGREGATE PLANT" Public contracts/Customer: -Tactical Missile Corporation, Azov Optical and Mechanical Plant: Public contracts/Customer: ...
JSC Saratov Radio Instrument Plant is one of the leading enterprises in the production of modern surface situation illumination and target designation systems for …
Пов'язані особи АТ «НВО «Високоточні комплекси» (АО «НПО «Высокоточные комплексы»), ОДРН ...
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. UA Sanctions Expire Date. . Decrees of the President of Ukraine. № 813/2023 від 07.12.2023. Linked Persons. JSC Saratov Electrical Unit Production …
Saratov Aggregate Factory JSC. Originální název: Original Name: АО Саратовский агрегатный завод. Historie názvů: History of Names: DD.MM.1931 …
Machine-building enterprises: LLC Plant of Electric Aggregate Engineering "SEPOZEM" of JSC "Saratov Electric Aggregate Production Association", JSC …
Novorossiysk Grain Plant, JSC (NGP) is a high-tech port transshipment complex that includes two elevators and a complex of port facilities. The total storage capacity of the enterprise is 250 thousand tonnes; the depths at the mooring wall allow processing DW vessels up to 70 thousand tonnes. ... Saratov region; Oryol region; Samara region ...
Saratov Aggregate Plant er en forsvarskompleks virksomhed beliggende i Saratov.. Selskabet er en del af bedriften "High Precision Complexes" . Anlægget er placeret i blokken mellem gaderne Rabochaya, Universitetskaya, Astrakhanskaya og grænser op til Electroterm-93- anlæggets territorium. Kontorbygningen ligger ved siden af Saratov …
Address. 410078, Russian Federation, 45 Astrakhanskaya St., Saratov. Reason for. imposing sanctions. The company is a Russian military-industrial complex enterprise that …
About us. PRIVATE JOINT STOCK COMPANY «DNIPROPETROVSK AGGREGATE PLANT» is a large enterprise wielding 90 years of experience in mechanical engineering and machine building. Founded in 1927, «DNIPROPETROVSK AGGREGATE PLANT» JSC has transformed from a small workshop manufacturing teaching aids into …
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Address. Russia. / Saratov Oblast. / г. Саратов, ул. Астраханская, 45. Country of Registration. Russia. Registration data. 1116455002069. Tax number. 6455053670. Date …
"Gibka-S" is the result of cooperation between companies-smiths headed by JSC "SPC" Heavy Machine Building Design Bureau. The developers include JSC SPE "Rubin" (Penza), JSC "Saratov Aggregate Plant", JSC "State Ryazan Instrument Plant", FSUE "Research Institute of Applied Acoustics" (Dubna), JSC "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute ...
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(a.k.a. "AO SRZ"; a.k.a. "SRZ PAO") · JSC Saratovski Radiopribornyi Zavod · Saratov radio instrument plant JSC · Saratovski Radiopribornyi Zavod · Saratovski radiopribornyi zavod JSC · 4 more... Weak alias: AO SRZ · SRZ PAO: Incorporation date: 1970 · …
LLC Plant of Electric Aggregate Engineering "SEPO- ZEM" of the JSC "Saratov Electric Aggregate Production Association" ... Saratov Oblast / г. Саратов, просп. им. 50 лет Октября, пл. Ленина
It is located in the city of Balakovo, Saratov region (Russia). Documents; News. Scroll down. 2008. 2008 Year of incorporation: factory cornerstone ceremony. 2013. First ton of long products. 2014. First ton of steel. 2015. First million tons of processed scrap metal. 2016. First million tons of steel and long products. 2019. Corporate
The designed capacity of the Saratov Oil Refinery is 7.0 million tons of oil per year. ... All motor fuels produced by the plant comply with the environmental class K5. Products are …
Saratov Bearing Plant JSC. Parent Organization European Bearing Corporation. Full Address. 410039, SARATOV REGION, SARATOV CITY, 64 "A" ENTHUSIASTS AVENUE 0. Founded Date. 1941. Email Address. info.saratov@epkgroug.ru 0. Phone Number + 0. Fax Number (8452) 925267 0. Country. Russia.
Machine-building enterprises: LLC Plant of Electric Aggregate Engineering "SEPOZEM" of JSC "Saratov Electric Aggregate Production Association", JSC "Pavlovsky Machine Building Plant "Voskhod", OJSC Electromechanical Engineering Plant "Velkont" etc., …
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