mechanical properties of sandstone

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  • mechanical properties of sandstone

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A Dual DIC System for Analysis of Dynamic Mechanical Properties …

In this paper, an experiment is carried out to acquire the dynamic mechanical properties of a simulated sandstone tunnel by a dual DIC system. The sandstone tunnel is simulated by large sandstone with a prefabricated hole in the center. The speckle size required by DIC system was evaluated, and the results showed that for large specimens …

Study of the mechanical characteristics of coal-serial sandstone …

It is found that the true triaxial mechanical properties of sandstone after high temperature treatment are closely related to temperature, and the peak strength, maximum principal strain, volume ...

Frontiers | The impact of high temperature on mechanical properties …

The study on the evolution of mechanical properties of sandstone with temperature provides a theoretical basis for the extraction of mineral resources in deep sandstone formations and post-disaster engineering construction. 2 Materials and methods 2.1 Sample preparation. To ensure the accuracy of the experimental results, samples …

Mechanical properties and brittleness characteristics …

Therefore, the mechanical properties measured show a general increasing trend with increasing burial depth. Moreover, Fig. 6 indicates that the mechanical …

The effect of chemical erosion on mechanical …

Published: 27 December 2019. The effect of chemical erosion on mechanical properties and fracture of sandstone under shear loading: an experimental study. Cancan Chen, Shoujian Peng, Shankang...

Experimental and numerical investigation of the …

Article. Open access. Published: 03 March 2024. Experimental and numerical investigation of the mechanical properties and energy evolution of …

Effect of Physical Properties on Mechanical Behaviors of Sandstone

Mechanical properties of sandstone, such as compressive strength and young's modulus, are commonly used in the design of geotechnical structures and numerical simulation of underground reservoirs using models such as the digital groundwater, equivalent porous medium, and Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) models. …

Study on the Effect of Dry–Wet Cycles on Dynamic Mechanical Properties …

The influence of water–rock interaction in the process of coal mine construction cannot be ignored, especially when the groundwater quality is complex and contains acidic substances. In this paper, considering the influence of mining, blasting, and earthquake, the dynamic mechanical properties and fractal characteristics of …

The evolution of sandstone microstructure and …

Macroscopically, it was found that the physical and mechanical properties of sandstone change with treatment …

Fracture Mechanical Properties of Frozen Sandstone at

The fracture mechanics of frozen rock are important to engineering in cold regions, yet the basic properties and influences remain unclear. The fracture toughness of semi-circular bend (SCB) samples with different initial saturation degrees (ISDs) was tested at − 20 ℃. Acoustic emission (AE) and digital image correlation (DIC) systems were …

Weakening Laws of Mechanical Properties of Sandstone Under …

The mechanical properties of rocks are significantly affected by chemical corrosion. To explore the influence of chemical corrosion on the weakening laws of sandstone mechanical properties, the porosity and pore size distribution (PSD) of sandstone samples immersed in different chemical solutions was measured by the …

Mechanical Properties and Energy Evolution of Red Sandstone …

The mechanical properties of red sandstone corroded by acid solutions deteriorated due to a complex process involving various physicochemical effects. Certain voids were formed in the natural rock by physical action. A water film formed on the mineral particles as a result of the acid solution's entry into these voids. This water film ...

Evaluation of the effects of three different cooling methods …

Considering these situations, the physical and dynamic mechanical properties of high-temperature sandstone under natural, water, and LN 2 cooling were investigated in this study through a series of mechanical tests. Besides, the evolution of P-wave velocity, dynamic strength, strain, and elastic modulus was analyzed.

Experimental investigation of the mechanical properties of …

Fine-grained sandstone is widely distributed in the Xiangjiaba Hydropower Station. To investigate the mechanical properties of the sandstone, a series of triaxial cyclic loading tests were conducted under the confining pressures of 5 MPa, 15 MPa, and 20 MPa. According to the mechanical characteristics of the sandstone, a typical …

Research on interactions among parameters affecting dynamic mechanical

This indicates that the sandstone type is an important parameter affecting the mechanical properties of rock. In fact, the effect of sandstone type is shown in Fig. 7 . Although the data from different researches are normalized separately to avoid natural groups, the sample points of same type of sandstone still remain relatively close after ...

Experimental study on changes of pore structure and mechanical

In this study, to quantitatively analyse the pore structure and mechanical properties of sandstone after treatment at different temperatures (25 °C, 100 °C, 200 °C, 300 °C, 400 °C, 500 °C, 600 °C, 700 °C, 800 °C, and 900 °C), an experiment was conducted based on nuclear magnetic resonance. The variation laws of the size and …

Experimental study of mechanical properties of sandstone …

Mechanical properties of rock at high temperature are of importance for structure design and safety assessment in underground rock engineering. Brazilian disc test, axial compressive test and three-point bending test are adopted to determine the tensile strength σ t, uniaxial compressive strength σ c, elastic modulus E and Mode I …

Identification of changes in mechanical properties of sandstone

Material properties largely depend on their structure, and are strongly dependent on the scale of observation. Under the influence of various processes, the structure of a material can undergo evolution, which leads to major changes in the mechanical parameters and morphology of the medium. To understand the behaviour of …

Study of the Mechanical Properties and Fracture Evolution of Sandstone …

The typical sandstone of the Shendong mining area, China, was considered as the research object in order to determine the mechanical properties and fracture evolution characteristics under true triaxial stress and different moisture contents by X-ray diffraction, true triaxial mechanical test, and CT scanning. The results show that the …

Mechanical Properties and Permeability Evolution of Red Sandstone …

This paper presents the hydro-mechanical behaviors of a red sandstone from the Three Gorges reservoir area using laboratory testing and numerical modelling. A series of laboratory triaxial compression tests were performed on the red sandstone to understand the effect of confining stress and seepage pressure on the rock mechanical …

Laboratory Investigation of the Effects of Temperature on …

An experimental study has been carried out as part of a wider programme of research in order to examine some of the physico-mechanical properties of the Jiaozuo Sandstone after exposure to extremely high temperatures. The mechanical properties of the rock under examination are discussed before the results of the thermo-mechanical …

Mechanical Properties of Sandstones Exposed to …

Article. Mechanical Properties of Sandstones Exposed to High Temperature. Technical Note. Published: 03 March 2015. Volume 49, pages 321–327, ( 2016 ) Cite …

Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties of Sandstone …

The mechanical properties of sandstone were quantitatively analyzed by considering the elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio. From the viewpoint of energy, the stress–strain diagram of a single cyclic load was divided into different zones, the energy dissipation rate of a complete cycle was defined, and the energy conversion of rock …

Effects of Water and Cyclic Loading on Ultrasonic …

In this study, the water absorption, mechanical properties, and energy evolution characteristics of sandstone were examined through experimental and theoretical analysis. The P-wave velocity was found to …

Combined effect of pore water pressure and axial stress

The unloading mechanical properties and the internal structure damage of sandstone under different ASLs and pore water pressures were analyzed in detail by carrying out the trixial unloading tests and nuclear magnetic resonance scan. Furthermore, a novel method was proposed, based on the unloading strength and the strength …

Evolution of micro-damage and degradation of macro-mechanical …

Beyond 100 °C, the physico-mechanical properties of sandstone are weakened significantly. Mass loss and porosity show a continuously growing with increasing temperature, while P-wave velocity, splitting tensile strength, compression strength, and elastic modulus are decreasing. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging tests were …

Mechanical Properties of Acid-corroded Sandstone Under …

Long-term exposure to chemical solutions can change the mineral composition and microstructure and may seriously affect the physical and mechanical properties of rocks. Therefore, to clarify the effects of long-term exposure and types of acids on the mechanical properties of rocks, and to develop the constitutive model of …

Mechanical properties and brittleness characteristics of sandstone …

Abstract The variation in rock mechanical properties with burial depth has always been a cutting-edge research topic worldwide. However, due to the difficulty in sampling from different burial depths, few studies have examined the change in rock mechanical properties with burial depth, especially in terms of the brittleness index. In …

Sandstone | Composition, Properties, Formation, …

Here are some key points about sandstone: 1. Sandstone is a sedimentary rock composed mainly of sand-sized mineral particles or rock fragments. 2. Sandstone can be classified based on composition (e.g. quartz arenite, arkose, lithic sandstone) and texture (e.g. well-sorted, poorly sorted, … See more

Assessments of Tensile Characteristics and Degradation

W–D cyclic treatment weakens the mechanical properties of sandstone. The static and dynamic tensile strength of sandstone gradually decreases with increasing cycles of W–D treatment. The deterioration of tensile strength is more dramatic in W–D-treated sandstone than that in long-term saturated sandstone. (2)

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