salt marsh encroachment

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The geomorphic impact of mangrove encroachment in an Australian salt marsh

Mangroves are encroaching into salt marshes throughout the world as a result of environmental change. Previous studies suggest mangroves trap sediment more efficiently than adjacent salt marshes, providing mangroves greater capacity to adapt to sea level rise; this may occur by displacing salt marshes.However, sediment transport in …

Seventy years of continuous encroachment substantially increases 'blue

The migration of mangrove forests into salt marsh ecosystems is one such shift which could have important implications for global 'blue carbon' stocks. To date, attempts to quantify changes in ecosystem function are essentially constrained to climate-mediated pulses (30 years or less) of encroachment occurring at the thermal limits of ...

Soil surface elevation dynamics in a mangrove-to-marsh …

In New South Wales, Australia, surface elevation increase was lower at sites where mangrove encroachment occurred compared to sites in a mature mangrove forest and in a salt marsh; accretion in the encroachment zone, however, was intermediate between the two habitats, with highest accretion occurring in the forest (Rogers et al., …

Mangroves dramatically increase carbon storage …

T. Z. Osborne & I. C. Feller. 1372 Accesses. 25 Citations. 33 Altmetric. 3 Mentions. Explore all metrics. Abstract. In North America, the dynamic ecotonal boundary between mangrove and salt marsh is currently fluctuating in response to freeze-free winters, which can cause rapid alterations in a number of wetland processes and attributes.

Rapid shoreward encroachment of salt marsh …

With rates of SLR in the region over the last 100 to 150 years of close to 3 mm/year, portions of New England salt marshes dominated by marsh hay and spike grass are accreting at between 2.0 and 2.5 mm/year and are experiencing an accretion deficit with respect to changing sea level.

Vegetation Loss Decreases Salt Marsh Denitrification …

Salt marshes play a key role in removing excess anthropogenic nitrogen (N) loads to nearshore marine ecosystems through sediment microbial processes such as denitrification. However, in the Gulf of Mexico, the loss of marsh vegetation because of human-driven disturbances such as sea level rise and oil spills can potentially reduce marsh capacity …

Mangrove Encroachment Alters Decomposition Rate in …

Collectively, these results suggest that mangrove encroachment may not modify the environmental factors driving decomposition, but alterations in foundation plant species may ultimately alter nutrient cycling within habitats through shifts in litter quality. ... Changes in δ15 N in salt marsh sediments in a long-term fertilization study. Mar ...

Global hotspots of salt marsh change and carbon emissions

We show a net salt marsh loss globally, equivalent to an area double the size of Singapore (719 km2), with a loss rate of 0.28% year−1 from 2000 to 2019. ... Mangrove encroachment is probably an ...

Modeling the Dynamics of Salt Marsh Development in …

1 Introduction. Salt marshes are valuable and unique landforms located at the interface between land and ocean. Salt marshes are still common along many shorelines, despite a 25% decline of the original coverage and a current 1–2% rate of loss per year (Crooks et al., 2011; Duarte et al., 2008; Secretariat of the Convention on …

Modeling the Dynamics of Salt Marsh Development in …

Marsh formation can be divided in three distinctive phases: preparation phase, encroachment phase, and adjustment phase. Sediment concentration, settling velocity, sea level rise, and tidal range each comparably affect restoration outcomes in different ways. The Unvegetated-Vegetated Ratio is related to sediment budget in marsh …

Seventy years of continuous encroachment …

In this study, we track the continuous, lateral encroachment of mangroves into two south-eastern Australian salt marshes over a period of 70 years and quantify corresponding changes in biomass and belowground C stores.

Modeling the Dynamics of Salt Marsh …

Key Points. Marsh formation can be divided in three distinctive phases: preparation phase, encroachment phase, and adjustment phase. Sediment concentration, settling velocity, sea level …

Changes in Ecosystem Nitrogen and Carbon Allocation with …

In some temperate and subtropical coastal wetlands, warming winters are enabling mangrove forest encroachment into salt marsh, which is a major regime shift that has significant ecological and ...

(PDF) Salt marsh-mangrove ecotones: Using structural …

Salt marsh-mangrove ecotones: Using structural gradients to investigate the effects of woody plant encroachment on plant-soil interactions and ecosystem carbon pools April 2016 Journal of Ecology ...

Salt Marsh Plant Community Structure Influences …

environment of established salt marshes influences es-tablishment of mangroves and (2) how belowground en-vironment shifts in response to mangrove encroachment. Using a site at the ecotone between where mangroves and salt marsh plants dominate in northeastern Florida, we have the unique opportunity to observe how variation in marsh

Sea-level rise and landscape change influence mangrove encroachment …

Mangrove encroachment onto marsh occurred with relative uniformity parallel to the coast until the completion of the Faka Union Canal in 1970. Mangroves encroached rapidly along CR 92 after 1940, as canals dug during construction of the road in 1938 likely expanded tidal range inland. ... Brackish and salt marsh zones had lower …

Salt marsh-mangrove ecotones: using structural gradients …

Salt marsh-mangrove ecotones: using structural gradients to investigate the effects of woody plant encroachment on plant-soil interactions and ecosystem carbon pools May 19, 2016 Changing winter climate extremes are expected to result in the poleward migration of mangrove forests at the expense of salt marshes. Although …

Review of the ecosystem service implications of mangrove encroachment

The encroachment of woody mangrove shrubs and trees into herbaceous salt marshes may represent a substantial change in ecosystem structure, although resulting impacts on ecosystem functions and service provisions are largely unknown. In this review, we assess changes in ecosystem services associated with mangrove encroachment.

Review of the ecosystem service implications of mangrove encroachment …

The encroachment of woody mangrove shrubs and trees into herbaceous salt marshes may represent a substantial change in ecosystem structure, although resulting impacts on ecosystem functions and service provisions are largely unknown. In this review, we assess changes in ecosystem services associated with mangrove encroachment.

Salt marsh-mangrove ecotones: using structural …

the ecological implications of mangrove forest encroachment into salt marsh. At all three locations, we quantified relation-ships between plant community composition and structure, soil and porewater physicochemical properties, tidal inunda-tion and climatic conditions. Materials and methods STUDY AREA

Rapid shoreward encroachment of salt marsh cordgrass in …

The Salt Marsh Rapid Assessment Method, MarshRAM, was designed to address this need by documenting information characterizing salt marsh type, setting, ecological value, disturbance, integrity ...

Salt marsh expansion into estuarine mangrove mudflats …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Salt marsh expansion into estuarine mangrove mudflats reduces nitrogen removal capacity" by Fenfang Wang et al. ... Increases in temperature are expected to facilitate encroachment of tropical mangrove forests into temperate salt marshes, yet the effects on ecosystem services are understudied. Our …

Changes in Ecosystem Nitrogen and Carbon Allocation with …

Increases in temperature are expected to facilitate encroachment of tropical mangrove forests into temperate salt marshes, yet the effects on ecosystem services are understudied. Our work was conducted along a mangrove expansion front in Louisiana (USA), an area where coastal wetlands are in rapid decline due to compounding factors, …

(PDF) Salt Marsh Plant Community Structure Influences …

Salt Marsh Plant Community Structure Influences Success of Avicennia germinans During Poleward Encroachment. August 2021; Wetlands 41(6)

Global Change Biology | Environmental Change Journal

The encroachment of woody mangrove shrubs and trees into herbaceous salt marshes may represent a substantial change in ecosystem structure, although resulting impacts on ecosystem functions and service provisions are largely unknown. In this review, we assess changes in ecosystem services associated with mangrove encroachment.

Global hotspots of salt marsh change and carbon …

SLR5, storm events6, drainage7 and mangrove encroachment8 are known drivers of salt marsh loss. However, the global magnitude and location of changes in salt marsh extent remains...

Salt marsh‐mangrove ecotones: using structural

Salt marsh‐mangrove ecotones: using structural gradients to investigate the effects of woody plant encroachment on plant–soil …

Review of the ecosystem service implications of mangrove encroachment …

It is theorized that mangrove encroachment may increase nutrient storage and improve storm protection, but cause declines in habitat availability for fauna requiring open vegetation structure as well as the recreational and cultural activities associated with this fauna. Salt marsh and mangrove have been recognized as being among the most …

Mangrove Encroachment Alters Decomposition Rate in

The fine root structure of salt marsh grasses, compared to mangroves, increases soil water content and decreases soil redox potentials (Perry and Mendelssohn 2009;Comeaux et al. 2012), impacting ...

Salt marsh expansion into estuarine mangrove …

Abstract. Salt marsh ( Spartina alterniflora) has been rapidly encroaching into mangrove wetlands worldwide. However, the potential effects of salt marsh expansion on coastal nitrogen cycling and ecosystem function remain unclear. In this study, sediment cores were seasonally collected from mangroves, salt marshes and mudflats from 2020 …

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